Saturday, August 2, 2008

Blah Day

Today was sort of a 'blah' day, mainly because of the weather. No one really wanted to do anything so after I made myself a cup of tea I just tidied up my room a bit. I did manage to get myself to church, but I kicked myself afterwards for not bringing my camera. The church is up in the hills so there was this beautiful mist sitting on the trees. Later we had to do some shopping so I brought my camera along for the drive.

(Blurry I know, but I just thought they looked cool)

So I got home and really, really wanted to take photos outside. My mom's reaction was, "Are you insane?" and my dad's was, "Just don't ruin your camera." Haha, typical responses. These are some of the ones I got outside.

I read this interview with Floria Sigismoni (who I think is pretty amazing) a while back and saw this quote that I really loved.

"I believe that if you look at something long enough, no matter what it is, there is no reason for it not to be beautiful."

I try to remember that every time I take photos.

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